Medical services

For insured patients, medical services provided by Idris Hospital do not require a co-payment. They are provided on the basis of referral notes from the family doctor or specialist and are paid for by the CAS, so there is no additional payment by the patient. The rate settled by CAS/day of hospitalization is 169.17 RON.


Section name secţie/compartment Section code/compartment* Rate per day of hospitalization (lei)
Chronic psychiatry 1333.2 130,13

*) according to the Order of the Minister of Health and Family no. 457/2001 regarding the regulation of the name and codification of the organizational structures (sections, compartments, laboratories, cabinets) of the sanitary units in Romania, with subsequent additions.

NOTE 1: The contracted rate is the rate per day of hospitalization provided in the table, with the exception of the chronic psychiatric wards provided in items 10 and 11 of the neurology medical recovery and neuro-psycho-motor recovery department provided in items 15 and 18, from the table above, for which the rates can be increased by up to 30%, respectively for the pneumophthisiology and children’s pneumophthisiology sections provided in items 8 and 9, for which the rates can be increased by up to 15%.

NOTE 2: For the neuromuscular recovery, medical recovery, neurology clinical section of the „Bagdasar Arseni” Emergency Clinical Hospital, the neurology medical recovery clinical section (IV) within the National Physical Medicine and Balneology Recovery Institute, the neuro-psycho recovery section – motor for children from the Clinical Neuropsychomotor Recovery Medical Center for Children „Dr. N. Robănescu” and the neurological recovery department at the Elias University Emergency Hospital, the rate per day of hospitalization is 512.96 lei/day.

Hotel services

Idris Hospital offers hotel services over and above the standard services defined by the Framework Contract regulating the conditions of healthcare provision.
The cost of hotel services is borne by all patients and refers to accommodation and meals, the amount of which is 225 RON/day.